List of products by manufacturer De Castris Leone

The Winery’s production is very rich: red, white and rosé DOC wines (Salice Salentino, Locorotondo, Copertino, Primitivo di Manduria), interesting IGT Salento and Puglia wines, sparkling rosé and white wines. There is also an elegant hotel & restaurant, “Villa Donna Lisa”, provided with a nice swimming pool and garden.

Our average production is 2,5 millions of bottles per year.

Leone de Castris has been working for centuries in Puglia and only Apulian products. This could be a restriction for someone, but for us is a peculiarity. Our mission is making the most of the products given by the land in which we were born and grown.

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items